Agendas, live streaming, meeting schedules, and other board materials are available below. If you have technical difficulties with the live streaming page, please refer to the listen only phone listed on the agenda.

The board letters recommend an action to be taken by the Board. The Board may take an action different than the recommendation in the board letter. The Board meeting minutes will reflect the actual action taken by the Board on an item. Click here for the database that contains archives from the year 1928 to June 30, 2021. Archives from July 1, 2021 to present are available here on Legistar.

Members of the public may provide comment to the Board on matters within their jurisdiction:

  1. Teleconference instructions are located on the Committee and Board agendas
  2. In person located at 700 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, California 90012
  3. Written comments/questions are to be sent to

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Please contact Board Executive Secretary Rickita Hudson at (213) 217-6291 for any questions.

Meeting Name: Engineering and Operations Committee (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/15/2022 10:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Zoom Online
09:30 a.m. Adj. F& I 10:30 a.m. Adj. E&O 12:30 p.m. Adj. C&L 01:00 p.m. Adj. WP&S 03:00 p.m. Adj. OWC
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-1365 A.MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Engineering and Operations Committee held July 12, 2022approved  Action details Video Video
21-1349 7-2Board Letter for ActionDetermine that there is a need to continue the emergency action of executing a no bid contract for the Upper Feeder expansion joint replacement (Requires four-fifths vote of the Board); the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Action details Not available
21-1377 7-3Board Letter for ActionAuthorize the following new agreements with: (1) Pure Technologies U.S. Inc. in an amount not to exceed $7 million for inspection and monitoring services for prestressed concrete cylinder pipe; and (2) Brown and Caldwell in an amount not to exceed $900,000 for preliminary design to rehabilitate the prestressed concrete cylinder pipe Calabasas Feeder; authorize an increase of $6 million to an existing agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. for preliminary design to rehabilitate the Sepulveda Feeder; and adopt CEQA determination that the Calabasas Feeder and Sepulveda Feeder rehabilitation project was previously addressed in the certified 2017 Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe Rehabilitation Program Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Report. (This action is part of a series of projects that are being undertaken to improve the supply reliability for State Water Project dependent member agencies)   Action details Not available
21-1348 7-4Board Letter for ActionAuthorize a professional services agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,300,000 for design of the Inland Feeder/San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Foothill Pump Station Intertie; the General Manager has determined the project to be exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA (This action is part of a series of projects that are being undertaken to improve the supply reliability for State Water Project dependent member agencies)   Action details Not available
21-1378 7-5Board Letter for ActionAward a $5,647,405 procurement contract to Sojitz Machinery Corporation of America for three 84-inch diameter butterfly valves to be installed as part of water supply reliability improvements in the Rialto Pipeline service area; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA (This action is part of a series of projects that are being undertaken to improve the supply reliability for State Water Project dependent member agencies)   Action details Not available
21-1346 7-6Board Letter for ActionAuthorize annual increases of $200,000 to existing, five-year on-call agreements with RHA, LLC; Strategic Value Solutions, Inc.; and Value Management Strategies, Inc., for new annual not-to-exceed total of $440,000, for value engineering and other technical services in support of Capital Investment Plan projects; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Action details Not available
21-1358 7-7Board Letter for ActionAuthorize a five-year reimbursable agreement with the California Department of Water Resources to provide services for the State Water Project operations and maintenance activities for an amount not to exceed $3 million per year ($15 million total); the General Manager has determined that this action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Action details Not available
21-1366 a.Oral Presentation OnlyClean Air Fleet Initiatives   Action details Video Video
21-1417 b.Oral Presentation OnlyReservoir Management Update   Action details Video Video
21-1367 a.Manager ReportWater System Operations Manager's Report   Action details Video Video
21-1368 b.Manager ReportEngineering Services Manager's Report   Action details Video Video