| A. | Minutes | Approval of the Minutes of the Engineering, Operations, and Technology Committee for September 9, 2024 (Copies have been submitted to each Director, any additions, corrections, or omissions) | | |
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| 7-1 | Board Letter for Action | Award a $589,957 procurement contract to Vogt Valves for one sleeve valve to be installed at the Red Mountain Pressure Control Structure in the Skinner service area; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
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| 7-2 | Board Letter for Action | Award a $1,833,650 construction contract to Power Engineering Construction Company for San Diego Canal Concrete Liner Rehabilitation; the General Manager has determined that the proposed actions are exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA
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| 7-3 | Board Letter for Action | Award a $448,000 contract to Heed Engineering to provide construction materials to support the construction of the helicopter hydrant facility at the Robert B. Diemer Water Treatment Plant; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA
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| 8-1 | Board Letter for Action | Recommend project funding in an amount not to exceed $35 million over the next two years (Fiscal Years 2024/2025 and 2025/2026), to support the zero-emission vehicle transition at Metropolitan and partially mitigate high operational risk. Subject to Finance & Asset Management Committee approval and authorization of specific terms of debt issuance; the General Manager has determined that the proposed actions are exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA. [REVISED SUBJECT 9/30/2024]
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| 8-2 | Board Letter for Action | Authorize on-call agreements with Black & Veatch Corporation, Burns & McDonnell Western Enterprises Inc., HDR Inc., and Stantec Consulting Services Inc., in amounts not to exceed $3 million each, for a maximum of three years, for engineering services to support zero-emission vehicle infrastructure upgrades at Metropolitan facilities; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA
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| a. | Committee Letter | Update on District Housing and Property Improvements Program | | |
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| b. | Oral Presentation Only | Construction and Shop Services to Ensure Metropolitan's Readiness and Resilience | | |
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| a. | Manager Report | Engineering Services activities
Information Technology activities
Water System Operations activities | | |
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| a. | Oral Presentation Only | Discuss and provide direction to Subcommittee on Pure Water Southern California and Regional Conveyance | | |
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