| a. | Other Matters and Reports | Alan Shanahan, Executive President, American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (Local 1902) | | |
Action details
| A. | Other Matters and Reports | Report on Directors' Events Attended at Metropolitan's Expense | | |
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| B. | Other Matters and Reports | Chair's Monthly Activity Report | | |
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| C. | Other Matters and Reports | General Manager's summary of activities | | |
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| D. | Other Matters and Reports | General Counsel's summary of activities | | |
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| E. | Other Matters and Reports | General Auditor's summary of activities | | |
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| F. | Other Matters and Reports | Ethics Officer's summary of activities | | |
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| G. | Oral Presentation Only | Presentation of 10-year Service Pin to Director Russell Lefevre | | |
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| H. | Oral Presentation Only | Presentation of Commendatory Resolution for Director Heather Repenning representing the City of Los Angeles | | |
Action details
Not available
| A. | Minutes | Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting for August 15, 2023 (Copies have been submitted to each Director, any additions, corrections, or omissions) | | |
Action details
| B. | Oral Item for Action | Approve Resolution confirming Director John T. Morris for Association of California Water Agencies Region 8 Board Member | | |
Action details
| 7-1 | Board Letter for Consent | Award a $3,895,000 contract to Miller Pipeline to furnish and install internal seals along Freda Siphon Barrel No. 1 on the Colorado River Aqueduct; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
Action details
| 7-2 | Board Letter for Consent | Authorize an agreement with J.F. Shea Construction Inc. for a not-to-exceed amount of $9.8 million for Phase 1 design-build services for the Sepulveda Feeder Pump Stations project; and authorize an increase of $1.5 million to an existing agreement with Carollo Engineers Inc. for a new not-to-exceed amount of $2.49 million to serve as the owner’s advisor through the Phase 1 design-build agreement; and authorize an amendment to Metropolitan’s Project Labor Agreement to add the Sepulveda Feeder Pumps Project to the list of covered projects; the General Manager has determined that the proposed actions are exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA (This action is part of a series of projects that are being undertaken to improve the supply reliability for State Water Project dependent areas) | | |
Action details
| 7-3 | Board Letter for Consent | Adopt resolutions designating Metropolitan’s maximum contribution for medical benefits for Active Employees and Retirees in order to comply with the current authorized Memoranda of Understanding; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
Action details
| 7-3 | Board Letter for Consent | Adopt resolutions designating Metropolitan’s maximum contribution for medical benefits for Active Employees and Retirees in order to comply with the current authorized Memoranda of Understanding; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
Action details
| 7-4 | Board Letter for Consent | Review and consider the Eastern Municipal Water District’s certified Final Environmental Impact Report and Addendum, and take related CEQA actions; Authorize the General Manager to enter into a Local Resources Program Agreement with Eastern Municipal Water District for the French Valley Recycled Water Distribution System Project for up to 140 acre-feet per year of recycled water for irrigation use in the Eastern Municipal Water District’s service area
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Action details
| 7-5 | Board Letter for Consent | Authorize the General Manager to execute a second amendment to extend the office lease located in Washington D.C. an additional ninety months with an option to extend another thirty-six months; the General Manager has determined that the proposed actions are exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
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| 7-6 | Board Letter for Action | Approve use of Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 for planning purposes in the Climate Adaptation Master Plan for Water; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
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| 8-1 | Board Letter for Action | Award a $15,681,000 contract to Steve P. Rados Inc. to construct an intertie between Inland Feeder and Rialto Pipeline as part of the water supply reliability improvements in the Rialto Pipeline service area; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA (This action is part of a series of projects that are being undertaken to improve the supply reliability for State Water Project dependent member agencies) | | |
Action details
| 8-2 | Board Letter for Consent | Authorize payments, by a two-thirds vote, of up to $4.16 million for participation in the State Water Contractors for FY 2023/24; the General Manager has determined the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
Action details
| 8-3 | Board Letter for Action | Review and consider the Addenda Nos. 1, 2, and 3 to the Mitigated Negative Declaration previously adopted by the Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency for the High Desert Water Bank; approve changes to the design, construction, and operation of Water Bank facilities; and authorize up to $80 million for additional costs associated with these changes; the General Manager has determined that a portion of the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
Action details
| 8-4 | Board Letter for Consent | Authorize three new agricultural lease agreements with Joey DeConinck Farms, Nish Noroian Farms, and Red River Farms, thereby allowing these existing lessees to continue farming on Metropolitan’s fee-owned properties in the Palo Verde Valley; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA [Conference with real property negotiators; properties are approximately 2,815 gross acres of land north of Interstate 10 in and near Blythe, California in the county of Riverside: Assessor Parcel Nos. 830-210-009; 830-210-010; 833-230-001; 833-230-002; 833-280-002; 833-210-013; 833-060-004; 833-060-008; 833-060-018; 833-100-005;833-100-007; 833-100-011; 833-100-012; 833-100-016; 833-100-017; 833-060-001; 833-060-024; 833-060-025; 827-190-003; 827-190-004; 827-190-005; 827-190-006; 824-190-007; 827-190-009; 827-190-010; 827-190-012; 833-060-026; 815-302-008; 815-310-013; 815-320-007; 827-080-029; 833-030-012; 833-050-014; agency negotiators Anna Olvera and Kevin Webb; negotiating parties: Joseph Deconinck dba Joey DeConinck Farms; Nisha Noroian | | |
Action details
| 8-5 | Board Letter for Consent | Report on Baker Electric, Inc. v. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, et al., (Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 21STCV15612) regarding Metropolitan’s CRA 6.9 kV Power Cables Replacement Project, Contract No. 1915; authorize filing cross-complaints; authorize an increase in the maximum amount payable under contract with Musick, Peeler & Garrett LLP, for legal services by $800,000 to an amount not-to-exceed $2,500,000; authorize an increase in the maximum amount payable under contract with Exponent, Inc., for consulting services by $200,000 to an amount not-to-exceed $600,000; the General Manager has determined the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA. [Conference with legal counsel – existing litigation and initiation litigation; to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Sections 54956.9(d)(1) and 54956.9(d)(4) | | |
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| 9-1 | Board Report | Conservation Program Board Report | | |
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| 11-1 | Oral Presentation Only | Department Head Performance Evaluations [Public Employees' performance evaluations; General Manager, General Counsel, and Ethics Officer; to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code 54957.] | | |
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| 11-2 | Oral Presentation Only | Report on Department Head 2023 Salary Survey | | |
Action details
Not available
| 11-3 | Oral Item for Action | Discuss and Approve Compensation Recommendations for General Manager, General Counsel, and Ethics Officer | | |
Action details
Not available