| a. | Oral Presentation Only | Review and report on five completed investigations involving the General Manager, which include allegations of Equal Employment Opportunity policy and Ethics Policy violations by the General Manager [Public employee performance evaluation: General Manager, to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957] | | |
Action details
Not available
| b. | Oral Presentation Only | Report on two claims presented involving the General Manager and a pending investigation regarding one of the claims [Conference with legal counsel — anticipated litigation; based on existing facts and circumstances of receipt of claims pursuant to the Government Claims Act (Gov. Code Section 910 et seq.) on behalf of two individuals threatening litigation, there is significant exposure to litigation against Metropolitan; two potential cases; to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)] | | |
Action details
Not available
| a. | Oral Item for Action | Consider action regarding General Manager’s paid administrative leave status [Public employee performance evaluation: General Manager, to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957] | | |
Action details
Not available
| b. | Oral Item for Action | General Manager Performance Evaluation [Public employee performance evaluation: General Manager, to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957] | | |
Action details
Not available
| c. | Oral Item for Action | Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release [To be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957] | | |
Action details
Not available
| d. | Oral Item for Action | Consider potential settlement terms; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA [Conference with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation based on existing facts and circumstances, including receipt of a correspondence threatening litigation, there is significant exposure to litigation against Metropolitan: one potential case; to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)] | | |
Action details
Not available
| e. | Oral Item for Action | Ratification of separation agreement with the General Manager; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA | | |
Action details
Not available
| f. | Oral Item for Action | Public Employee Appointment for General Manager [To be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957] | | |
Action details
Not available