Agendas, live streaming, meeting schedules, and other board materials are available below. If you have technical difficulties with the live streaming page, please refer to the listen only phone line listed on the agenda.

The board letters recommend an action to be taken by the Board. The Board may take an action different than the recommendation in the board letter. The Board meeting minutes will reflect the actual action taken by the Board on an item. Click here for the database that contains archives from the year 1928 to June 30, 2021. Archives from July 1, 2021 to present are available here on Legistar.

Members of the public may provide comment to the Board on matters within their jurisdiction:

  1. Teleconference instructions are located on the Committee and Board agendas
  2. In person located at 700 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, California 90012
  3. Written comments/questions are to be sent to

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Please contact Board Executive Secretary Rickita Hudson at (213) 217-6291 for any questions.

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Directors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/8/2025 12:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Boardroom
08:30 a.m. FAAME 10:15 a.m. LEGAL 11:30 a.m. Break 12:00 p.m. BOD 01:30 p.m. CWC
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-4393 A.Board ReportReport on Directors' Events Attended at Metropolitan's Expense    Not available Not available
21-4394 B.Board ReportChair's Monthly Activity Report   Not available Not available
21-4395 C.Board ReportGeneral Manager's summary of activities   Not available Not available
21-4401  Oral Presentation OnlySpotlight on Metropolitan Employee(s) Retiring with over Twenty Years of Service   Not available Not available
21-4396 D.Board ReportGeneral Counsel's summary of activities   Not available Not available
21-4397 E.Board ReportGeneral Auditor's summary of activities   Not available Not available
21-4398 F.Board ReportEthics Officer's summary of activities    Not available Not available
21-4400 G.Board ReportInduction of new Director Gretchen Shepherd Romey from City of San Marino (a) Receive credentials (b) Report on credentials by General Counsel (c) File credentials (d) Administer Oath of Office (e) File Oath    Not available Not available
21-4386 A.MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Special Audit Subcommittee of the Executive Committee for November 20, 2024; Ethics, Organization, and Personnel Committee for February 10, 2025; Ethics, EEO, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee for March 10, 2025; and Board of Directors Meeting for February 11, 2025 and March 11, 2025   Not available Not available
21-4399 B.Oral Item for ActionNomination and Election of nonofficer members of the Executive Committee for remaining two-year term effective March 11, 2025   Not available Not available
21-4403 7-1Board Letter for ActionAuthorize an increase to a professional services agreement with Grid Subject Matter Experts, LLC for a new not-to-exceed total amount of $1.245 million for electric transmission planning and North American Electric Reliability Corporation-related electric reliability compliance services; the General Manager has determined the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4197 7-2Board Letter for ActionAuthorize an agreement with Red8 in an amount not to exceed $850,000 for the implementation of the Data Storage Infrastructure Refresh project; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Not available Not available
21-4405 7-3Board Letter for ActionAuthorize an agreement with Metal Toad Media, Inc. for a new fixed cost of $299,000 per year with a not-to-exceed amount of $996,200 for the duration of the three-year agreement to host, manage, and maintain Metropolitan’s external websites; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4406 7-4Board Letter for ActionAuthorize an increase of $3.3 million to an existing agreement with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. for a new not-to-exceed total amount of $4.99 million for final design of a mechanical dewatering facility at the Joseph Jensen Water Treatment Plant; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4421 7-5Board Letter for ActionAuthorize an amendment to a reimbursable agreement with BH Luxury Residences LLC for the relocation of the Santa Monica Feeder within the city of Beverly Hills; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Not available Not available
21-4419 7-6Board Letter for ActionApprove Climate Adaptation Master Plan for Water Five-Year Implementation Strategy; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Not available Not available
21-4420 7-7Board Letter for ActionAdopt resolutions fixing and adopting a Readiness-to-Serve Charge and a Capacity Charge for calendar year 2026; the General Manager has determined the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Not available Not available
21-4429 7-8Board Letter for ActionApprove amendments to the Metropolitan Water District Administrative Code to conform oversight of the General Auditor and Audit Department duties and responsibilities to the current committee structure, to streamline reporting on professional services agreements, and make a minor non-substantive change; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Not available Not available
21-4432 7-9Board Letter for ActionExpress support if amended for AB 523 (Irwin) Metropolitan water districts: alternate representative; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Not available Not available
21-4437 7-10Board Letter for ActionApprove the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s salary schedules pursuant to CalPERS regulations; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Not available Not available
21-4442 7-11Board Letter for ActionAuthorize the General Manager to extend California Contractor Forbearance for Intentionally Created Surplus; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4443 7-12Board Letter for ActionAuthorize the General Manager to terminate the Foothill Area Conjunctive Use Program Agreement; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4444 7-13Board Letter for ActionAuthorize the General Manager to terminate the Live Oak Basin Conjunctive Use Program Agreement; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4445 7-14Board Letter for ActionAuthorize the General Manager to terminate the Long Beach Conjunctive Use Program Agreement; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4446 7-15Board Letter for ActionAuthorize the General Manager to terminate the Long Beach Expansion into Lakewood Conjunctive Use Program Agreement; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA   Not available Not available
21-4447 7-16Board Letter for ActionAuthorize the General Manager to terminate the Orange County Conjunctive Use Program Agreement; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4448 7-17Board Letter for ActionAuthorize the General Manager to terminate the Compton Conjunctive Use Program Agreement; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4457 7-18Board Letter for ActionAuthorize increase in the maximum amount payable under contract with outside counsel Liebert, Cassidy Whitmore, in the amount of $200,000 for a total amount not to exceed $450,000; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA    Not available Not available
21-4404 8-1Board Letter for ActionAdopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action was previously addressed in the certified 2024 Program Environmental Impact Report and authorize an increase of $12.4 million to an agreement with La Cañada Design Group Inc. for a new not-to-exceed total amount of $16.8 million for final design to upgrade the Michael J. McGuire Water Quality Laboratory    Not available Not available
21-4428 8-2Board Letter for ActionReport on litigation in Maria Carmen Zarate v. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. 23STCV15786; and authorize an increase in the maximum amount payable under contract for legal services with Seyfarth Shaw LLP, in the amount of $250,000 for a total amount not to exceed $750,000; the General Manager has determined that the proposed action is exempt or otherwise not subject to CEQA [Conference with legal counsel—existing litigation; to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)]   Not available Not available
21-4402 9-1Board ReportReport on Conservation Program   Not available Not available
21-4412 9-2Board ReportAnnual Infrastructure Resilience Update    Not available Not available
21-4422 9-3Board ReportReal Property Quarterly Report (Q3 January 1, 2025 through March 31, 2025)   Not available Not available